As technologies for mobile workforce have developed, the use of mobile CAFM applications designed to bring functionality and processing beyond the confines of office based work has grown.
However, not all mobile CAFM applications are created equal. Many of these applications were designed for a specific industry or specific tasks without the benefits of adaptability to a wider range of functions as an organisation’s mobile workforce needs grow. This means that companies are forced to continue investing in a wider range of apps that don’t necessarily suit their needs.

Demands on mobile IWMS or CAFM systems are becoming ever more complex. Organisations need to be sure that the systems and solutions they invest in will not only meet their current needs but can expand and develop as their requirements grow or change over time.
Know Your Organisation Needs
Many ‘off-the-shelf’ CAFM applications attempt to meet mobile workforce wider ranging needs by offering too many functions from the offset, although most of them are surplus to requirements. Such CAFM apps demand a high level of data to store and access, limiting the accessibility and functionality of mobile devices and not satisfying the needs of the organisation. These are clunky applications which add to the workload of those using them, rather than streamlining and making mobile workforce management easier.
Aligning the functions of mobile workforce software to ensure role-based security is one of the unique ways in which systems can be designed. It allows organisations to deploy CAFM apps and release further functionality as needs grow, without bloating an application with unwanted functions that not every user needs.
Keep It Simple
The right IWMS or CAFM systems suits the wide-ranging needs of your business at every level. Functions are only released as necessary to those who require them as their role develops, while maintaining a streamlined functionality that doesn’t over-complicate.
Tailored Mobile Workforce Management
Mobile workforce management tailored to your specific needs ensures that your organisation manages information and simplifies processes across the board. It allows for customisation and growth without the need to move to new systems as your needs develop, avoiding mistakes, maintaining simplicity and uniform data entry.
Where an off-the-shelf mobile CAFM application can meet some of your needs, they can’t be tailored to suit your niche industry and can’t be expanded or reduced. Tailored systems can be specialised and unique to your industry, with no compromise of functionality.
Tailoring these applications means that the data footprint on your mobile device is smaller. Each user is only accessing the processes they need to complete their work, yet there are still possibilities for expansion from a basic application to a more complex multi-functional solution for everything from auditing, working hours, orders, surveys and more.

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Karl Horner